
Tiger striped cat story
Tiger striped cat story

Nowadays, small pockets of tigers can be found in India, Russia, Bangladesh, North Korea, Bhutan, Indonesia, Nepal, Malaysia, Myanmar, China, Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, and Sumatra. They can no longer be found in western or central Asia, Bali, Java, and around the Caspian Sea. Sadly, tigers have lost 93% of their former range in Asia. They will also occasionally inhabit rocky mountain habitats, as well as savannas and grasslands. Different subspecies can be found in a number of forest types, including evergreen, swamp, mangrove, deciduous, thorn, and taiga. They also prefer living in habitats with suitable den locations, such as caves, hollow trees, or very dense bushes. These are solitary hunters, so having the ability to hide in tall grasses and bushes while stalking prey is of the utmost importance. The optimal habitat for tigers is located close to a water source, has lots of vegetation for cover while hunting, and plenty of prey. Once they find a likely target, they can leap forward twenty or thirty feet to capture their prey! This allows them to stalk through the forest almost silently.

tiger striped cat story tiger striped cat story tiger striped cat story

Powerful Paws – Not only are tigers’ paws equipped with long claws for grabbing prey, they are also heavily padded.Each tiger’s stripe pattern is different from the next, and different subspecies’ stripes have different thicknesses and shapes. Unique Pattern – Tigers are actually the only big cats that are entirely striped.This means that tigers have to choose their targets well, and hunt efficiently, if they want to survive. Researchers estimate that only one out of every ten or twenty hunts results in a meal. Hunting – Despite their perfect camouflage, tigers are not always successful in their hunts.The closer the cat can get to it’s prey before it attacks, the more likely it will catch it’s target. This is, of course, beneficial when stalking prey. However, drop that pattern in a stand of tall grasses, with partial sunlight dappling through the trees and that sleek cat becomes nearly invisible. A Tiger’s Stripes – In our eyes, tiger stripes are very distinctive and bold.From nose to their tail, these fearsome cats are perfectly adapted for hunting and survival. Tigers are apex predators, and have fine-tuned anatomy and behavior for capturing large prey. The fur around the neck and chest grows thicker, but not quite as long as a lion’s mane. Their stomachs, chests, and parts of their faces are white with black stripes. They have thick fur that varies in color, but is generally a burnished orange with vertical black stripes.

Tiger striped cat story